- What is ransomware?
- How does ransomware spread?
- How does ransomware get on my devices? – 5 Steps
- What to do if I have ransomware?
- Should I pay the ransom?
- Ransomware survival guide checklist
- 2020 Ransomware facts
- How to prevent ransomware
- The most popular types of ransomware
- Examples of ransomware screenshots
- Ransomware on Android
- Ransomware myths
- Top 2020 ransomware news stories
- How to detect ransomware
- Ransomware FAQ
Ransomware: Malicious software that encrypts your data, blocking access to your computer with a splash-screen of instructions until a sum of money is paid. The preferred method of payment is through an untraceable virtual currency called bitcoin. Victims are alerted that unless a sum of money is paid within a time frame, their files will be destroyed. Here’s an example screenshot of ransomware:

The 5 Steps in a Typical Ransomware Attack
Infection – Step 1 You may have opened an email attachment or clicked on a link in an unsolicited email such as a phishing email. Or you may have an infected application. Besides email, ransomware creators can also infect you by using exploit kits. You may have visited an infected website that’s able to exploit your browser and other software that’s running on your device. Finally, RDP – known as remote desktop connection. Port-scanners scour the internet looking for open RDP ports. The ransomware installs itself on the endpoint and any network it can access. Secure Key Exchange – Step 2 The ransomware on your network contacts the cybercriminals, alerting them a successful exploit is underway. The request for decryption keys are made and generated. Encryption – Step 3 The ransomware starts using military grade encryption algorithm. There’s AES, RSA, and ECDH encryption. (Some ransomware variants use a hybrid of encryption methods). Encrypting files on the victim’s device is in progress. The victims computer may slow down. Encryption will occur on any files on the local device and the network. Extortion – Step 4 A splash screen appears to the victim with instructions. Every type of ransomware has a uniquely designed splash screen with a unique deadline of payment. All ransomware threatens to destroy one’s data if the specified payment is not made. Payments are usually demanded in the form of a bitcoin payment because they’re untraceable. Figuring out how to purchase a bitcoin and setting up a wallet can be another pain. Unlocking – Step 5 Victims can either pay the ransom in exchange for the decryption keys (no guarantee the cyber criminal will pay) or attempt to start their disaster recovery process. This process will remove the ransomware and restore the network from clean backups.These facts about ransomware ignite many business owners to take immediate action in ransomware prevention:
– A new organization will become a victim of ransomware every 14 seconds in 2019, and every 11 seconds by 2021. – Ransomware attacks double in 2019, brute-force attempts increase – Ransomware was the #1 type of malware of 2018 and has no sign of slowing this year in 2020. – 75% of companies infected with ransomware had up-to-date endpoint protection. – Only having a proactive disaster recovery plan in place will increase your chances of surviving a ransomware attack. – 50% of a surveyed IT security professionals claim there are connected devices accessing their networks that they’re unaware of. – Only 1 in 3 said devices purchased by their organization are cleared by security personnel. – Data loss and downtime are still the biggest consequences of ransomware. – It’s important for businesses to know their vulnerabilities and take preventative matters into their own hands.
Follow these steps:
Our most important tip is hiring a trusted managed IT service provider such as hyphenet to do all the prevention for you and to ensure it’s being properly done. (it’s a LOT of work keeping your network safe – we can make it easy for you) #1 Updates Keep all your browsers, operating systems, and software up-to-date and patched. When hackers learn about a new patch or security update, they will seek out vulnerable businesses for an easy pay day. Don’t install software that you’re unfamiliar with and do not grant it administrative privileges. Do install whitelisting software that prevents unauthorized software from and applications from executing. Update to Windows 10! Update your operating system to Windows 10. It makes ransomware prevention easier by preventing unauthorized apps from accessing your Windows system files and personal data. However, you need to make sure your windows 10 has this security setting turned on! (it’s not on by default!) It’s called Controlled Folder Access. Here’s the steps how to turn on the new anti-ransomware features in the Windows 10 Fall creators Update: First, we’ll make sure you’re using the Fall Creators Update – version 1709:

The common ransomware scenario. Is this you? You’re working on your computer it seems slower than usual; extremely slower.
Your computer’s chugging just to open a folder. Next, your computer is acting unusual. You’re unable to open documents. Now you’re receiving error messages for “Unknown file type.” Your work productivity has now come to a screeching halt. You’re locked out of your computer! There’s a bizarre error splash screen that looks something like this:

Paying the ransom does not guarantee you will unlock your files. In addition to encrypting your data, the hackers may have also sold your data on the dark web. Paying will not take down the potential damage. There’s no incentive for the cyber criminal to send you the keys; once they have already been paid. Paying only encourages you to pay again. The servers used to receive payment are sometimes quickly taken offline. Sometimes it’s by law enforcement taking down the servers. Or it’s the cybercriminals, done to cover their tracks or move to their next ransomware campaign.Hackers prefer bitcoin as payment because it’s fast, reliable, verifiable, and it’s easy to write software that can demand payment and and give notification when payment is received.
Yes. There are significantly less known cases of ransomware occurring on mac OS. However, not one has led to serious outbreaks.
Example 1:
Example: 2
Example 3:
WannaCry spread so rapidly worldwide in 2017! Affecting 116 countries. Easily the worst ransomware attack in history.
WannaCry Screenshot:
Bad Rabbit
Screenshot of bad rabbit ransomware
Cerber screenshot:
Cryptolocker infected more than 250,000 systems.
Cryptolocker screenshot:
Has extorted over $18 million from victims. The FBI released an advisory.
CryptoWall screenshot:
NotPetya far advanced its origins of Petya that’s why it’s called NotPetya.
NotPetya screenshot:
Responsible for over $30 million in losses. First appearance in 2015 and is very common.
SamSam screenshot:

Anyone and any business can be a victim of ransomware. As long as you’re connected to a Wi-Fi or network, you’re a target.
Yes. There’s now more than 50 families of this malware in circulation! Cybercriminals know that there are people willing to pay to unlock their data, especially when it’s sensitive data or vital for business continuity.
July 25, 2019: City Power, the electric utility for Johannesburg, South Africa, discloses ransomware attack.
June 26, 2019: Lake City, Florida agrees to pay ransomware. June 20, 2019: Riviera Beach, Florida, discloses ransomware attack and payment. May 7, 2019: City of Baltimore hit with ransomware attack. April 2019: Cleveland Hopkins International Airport suffered a ransomware attack. April 2019: Augusta, Maine, suffered a highly targeted malware attack that froze the city’s entire network and forced the city center to close. April 2019: Hackers stole roughly $498,000 from the city of Tallahassee. March 2019: Albany, New York, suffered a ransomware attack. March 2019: Jackson County, Georgia officials paid cybercriminals $400,000 after a cyberattack shut down the county’s computer systems. Ransomware is more frequently seen in news stories than ever! Atlanta recovery cost $17 million after being hit with SamSam ransomware – ScMagazine.com. The original ransom demand was $51,000 in bitcoin but the recovery costs were over $17 million. Ransomware attacks on businesses are skyrocketing – Up 363% PCMag.com That’s a year over year increase on ransomware attacks businesses. The good news, attacks on consumers are down. Ransomware attacks: Weak passwords are now your biggest risk – zdnet.com Researchers say brute force and remote desktop attacks have become the mot common method for cyber criminals to spread ransomware. These cyber criminals are relying on weak and default passwords to easily gain access. They usually gain help from bots that will input as many passwords as possible. 2018 – 2019 ransomware stats 2 Iranians behind SamSam ransomware attacks, US claims – PCmag.com The 2 Iranian men were charged with computer hacking crimes that allegedly caused more than $300 million in losses and more than 200 known victims. Victims include: the city of Atlanta, the city of Newark, Port of San Diego, 6 health-care related groups, including LabCorp.
There are many free ransomware decryption tools. Check out the Crypto Sheriff at nomoreransom.org
The first step in preventing ransomware is knowing which types exist. They can be serious or easy to remove with a quick security scan. Here’s the three types of ransomware: Scareware, Screen Lockers, and Encrypting Ransomware.
This only mimics what real ransomware looks like. Your files are actually safe. You can remove scareware with a quick scan of your security software. Scareware usually consists of a popup window claiming there is a serious malware on your computer and you need to pay (a fake Microsoft agent) (etc.) to have it removed. There’s also a “1-800 number” listed on the popup. These numbers usually lead to an Indian scammer. Unsavvy computer users and the elderly are usually their number 1 targets. They are tricked into giving them remote access and paying hundres of dollars for “Microsoft support.”
Here’s an example of scareware:
Screen Lockers freeze your screen, completely. There’s a few variations, usually claiming to be from the FBI or U.S. Department of Justice. There will be a claim that you were conducting some sort of illegal activity and you’ve been caught “red handed.” There is a request for you to pay a fine. You are likely to regain access to your computer by running a system restore or running a scan from a bootable CD or USB stick. Here’s an example of a Ransomware screen locker:
Encrypting ransomware is the result of a malware gaining access to your computer. Cyber criminals demand payment to unlock your files from encryption. Even if you pay the ransom, there’s no guarantee the cyber criminal will unlock your files. Unless you have a working backup of your files or a working decryption key, your files are gone.
Here’s an example of encryption ransomware:
1. If you have a firewall, your data is 100% protected from ransomware. False. Cyber criminals can breach your database a variety of ways. A phishing attach can go undetected by your firewall. Since the threat landscape is always evolving, new advanced attacks need layers of security.
2. Only big companies are targeted by cyber criminals. False. Cyber criminals actually see small businesses as an easy pay day since budgets for security are usually small if there’s any security applied in the first place. Since 2011, we’ve seen a dramatic increase of cyber attacks targeting small business. 3. Data backups is all you need to recover stolen data. False. Not all backups are equal, not are they tested regularly. If a business is hit with ransomware, they need make sure their data backups were not also affected. In some cases, the cyber criminals will replace your data backups with replaced data.Every 14 seconds in 2019, an organization is hit with a ransomware attack.
Yes. Android cell phones are a new popular choice for cyber criminals. Here’s a screenshot of ransomware on an android phone:

Rasnsomware can easily get on your phone if you download malicious apps. Fake apps from third party app store, porn apps, clicking on a spam link sent by SMS or from other forms of social engineering. An example of social engineering: You receive a DM in twitter from someone: “hey I found this pic of you online…LOL!”
One tip: Reboot your phone in Safe Mode and uninstall the app. Here’s how to reboot your android in Safe Mode: Hold your power button > Select “Power Off” > Turn on your phone by pressing and holding the Power button and Volume Up and Volume down buttons at the same time. Check for the words “Safe Mode” to appear on your screen. > Go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Select the app you want to install. Didn’t work?
There’s other ways to start in safe mode, check with your phone’s manufacturer. Or just do a factory reset. All data will be wiped if you do a factory reset.Cyber criminals prefer bitcoin because it’s fast, reliable, hard to trace, and verifiable. The cyber criminal will immediately be notified when you make a payment. Although bitcoin is the most popular, we’re seeing a new trend of Monero being used. It stops transactions from being traced!
$1 million was paid to cyber criminals from a South Korean web host. The payment was made to free their servers. 153 of their Linus server were attacked, hosting 3,400 websites. The ransom took place June 10, 2017. $162 million was the original ransom demand, however the price was negotiated down to $1 million.
Here’s the current most popular types of ransomware: Bad Rabbit, Cerber, CryptoLocker, CryptoWall, Crysis, CTB-Locker, GoldenEye, Jigsaw, KeRanger, LeChiffere, LockerGogo, Locky, NetPetya, Petya, Spider, TeslaCrypt, TorrentLocker, WannaCry, ZCryptor, and more. See all their screenshots here: Largest collection of ransomware screenshots to see more variations.
1. U.S.A, 2. Canada, 3. United Kingdom, 4. Brazil, 5. Italy
– “Your personal files are encrypting…” – “Your computer has been locked” – “FBI Online Agent has blocked your computer for a security reason” – “You became victim of the ______ RANSOMWARE!” – “WARNING! Your personal files are encrypted” – “YOUR FILE HAS BEEN LOCKED” – “All your files have been encrypted”
– A splash screen alerting you that your files are encrypted / or sometimes it’s a plain notepad of instructions – Inform you that you need a decryption key Instructions how to obtain a key – The cost of a private key to unlock your files (The cost is most commonly shown in bitcoins) – Time limit – The bitcoin address to send your payment Sometimes a help section is included Sometimes they want you to download the TOR browser (dark web) – A place to submit your key with unlock button Sometimes they inform you the price will go up
If you have an of the following signs, you’re an easy target for ransomware:
#1 Outdated Equipment Old computers are a security risk. The newer the technology, the more security. The more up to date your hardware, the more difficult it is for cyber criminals to get your data. #2 Your Browser and Operating Systems are Unpatched 25% of the world’s desktop computers are still running Windows XP. Because this operating system is no longer receiving patches or or security updates – the risk of getting hacked increase every day, #3 You’re using Legacy Software Legacy software implies that the system is old and out of date. The older the version of software, the more patches and updates it needs and hackers know all the vulnerabilities. The cost of running legacy is actually greater than upgrading. #4 You don’t have a cyber security strategy in place Many small businesses are actually an easier target to cyber criminal because they don’t have a cyber security strategy in place. They may not have an IT person on staff or outsourced IT department. This not only puts their company at risk, but also their customers information. Without cyber security in place, your company is a sitting duck. Sadly, if your business gets hit with ransomware and you lose all your data – only 6% of companies survive longer than two years after losing data. #5 You don’t have a working backup plan Ransomware puts all your data at risk, can you afford to lose it? You need a data backup for a few reasons, in case a natural disaster strikes, human error, ransomware, etc. Without a working data backup, your company is vulnerable to having to “pay the ransom.” Worst, you might pay the ransom and you don’t get the key to decrypt your files. #6 Your employees open and download attachments Believe it or not, the biggest risk your business faces against ransomware is your employees. They’re prone to human error, accidentally opening emails that have ransomware attached. #7 Your employess’ mobile devices are connected to the network– Downtime is more costly. The average ransomware attack on the business costs 10 times more than the actual ransom. The survey finds the costs on average, $46,800, and the ransomware request at $4,300 per attack.
– Attacks are expected to increase. More than 55% of MSPs (managed service providers) disclosed their customers experienced a ransomware attack within the first 6 months of 2018. 35% said their customers were attacked multiple times in the same day. 92% of MSPs predict ransomware attacks will continue at or increase in rates. – Antivirus software is not enough, they’re actually ineffective. 85% of MSPs reported that victims of ransomware already had antivirus installed. 65% said victims had email spam filters installed. 29% reported that victims had pop-up blockers that failed to block the ransomware attacks. – Apple operating systems can be vulnerable to ransomware. There was a 5X increase in the number of reported ransomware attacks on macOS and iOS platforms. – Less than 1 in 4 ransomware attacks are reported to authorities The problem may be actually bigger than we even know. – New Ransomware strains include Public Shaming. Some versions of ransomware claim to have taken photos of you from your web camera. They also claim to blackmail you deeming the photos were taken of you viewing pornography, and threaten to publish them. Perhaps send them to everyone on your contact list.The FBI and Law Enforcement cannot help you. – The FBI will usually recommend that you pay the cyber criminals to gain back access to your computer. – The average ransomware payment is around $300.00. Individuals are the most common victim of ransomware. And the forms of payment preferred are Bitcoin or green dot MoneyPak. Both untraceable. – The ransomware Cryptowall 3.0 has profited over $325 million. Cryptowall emerged in January 2015 and experts estimate the group cause $325 million in damages across the world, primarily from the US. – Adobe Flash is to blame for recent Ransomware spread. 8 of the top 10 vulnerabilities were discovered to be Flash-related. – Malvertising Fuels Ransomware. Phishing is a huge cause of ransomware, and now malvertising is becoming popular too. Many news sites had their advertisements hijacked with ransomware. – Cyber Criminals can Buy Ransomware-as-a-service (SaaS) model. Cyber criminals are shopping the black market for ransomware-as-a-service, giving the developers a share of their earnings. – Ransomware is also hitting Linux and OSX, mobile devices such as smartphones. – Anti-Virus software isn’t enough. With new variants of malware evolving everyday, traditional signature-based anti-virus products can’t keep up. – Ransomware can disguise themselves as porn apps. – The United States has the most ransomware detection’s:
If you already failed to avoid ransomware it’s probably too late. Unless you run you malware and anti-virus scanner frequently with updated definitions, your software will alert you. You can possibly quarantine and remove the ransomware.

Ransomware Survival Checklist Before | During | After
The BAD news, ransomware isn’t going away, in fact, it’s here to stay. The GOOD news, the sooner you realize this statement “my business is too small to get hit with ransomware” is not feasible, the better! Yay! Why is ransomware flourishing? Simply because most companies are NOT prepared for a ransomware threat. Ponemon Institute’s 2016 State of Endpoint Report reveals 56% of companies are not ready to fight off ransomware attacks.Tantalizing news for cyber criminals right?If you use this ransomware survival guide checklist, your small business will defiantly be “beefed up” to ransomware.
BEFORE: Preventing Ransomware
- Invest in a robust data backup and restore solution + testing backups – The most important golden step to preventing ransomware affecting your business
- Update and patch – Many businesses struggle keeping up-to-date, making them vulnerable
- Train and educate your employees about phishing emails, social engineering, macros, and ransomware
- Invest in email filtering – Most ransomware is transmitted by email
DURING: Getting Back to Business
- Call the FBI – Ransomware is a crime–theft and extortion are in play
- Disconnect from your network – take the infected machine to the IT department
- Determine the extent of the problem – Who in the network is compromised? What type of ransomware?
- Pay or Play? – We recommend you don’t pay a ransom and restore from backups
- Don’t count on free ransomware decryption tools – Free tools quickly become outdated
- Restore from backup – You should be backing up everyday
AFTER: Review and Reinforce
- Clean up – Wipe your devices and restore from a clean backup
- Examine – How can we improve network configurations?
- Assess your employee awareness – Address employee vulnerability
- Invest in modern defenses – Hackers are usually one step ahead of you
- Invest in managed IT services – Don’t rely on one employee for your cyber security needs