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Are you a Cyber Savvy Employee?
You’re either an Asset or a Risk.
Take the fun interactive Information Security Awareness Quiz for Employees – FREE 20 Questions.
(You can retake the quiz as many times and learn from these questions and answers.)
- Share this quiz online with your co-workers. Challenge them!
- Take the multiple choice quiz.
- Find out if you’re an asset or a potential “Ticking Time Bomb” IT disaster.
- If you got a low score, view our free cyber security training
- If you’re a business owner, check out our Datto backup pricing to safeguard your business data.
- If you received a high score, high-five. Congrats! (share the banner below)
(Employers, the better your employees’ security knowledge, the safer your network will be protected from human error.)
Attention Business Owners!
Did you know your employees are your weakest link when it comes to your cyber security?
It’s True.
If you Employees are NOT Cyber Savvy… we recommend you purchase a Datto Backup Solution
Guaranteed Business Continuity with Datto
If your business gets hit with malware such as ransomware, your business will be able to bounce back quickly. It’s possible with a Datto backup in place. Best of all it’s an affordable backup solution for small businesses and large enterprises.
Imagine the unfortunate event of a natural disaster, malicious activity, simple human error, or even an IT disaster.
Empower your company to RECOVER entire systems in minutes!
Get Datto backup pricing now: (619) 325-0990
Get Ransomware Protection
If data is important to your business, you’re a target to cybercriminals.
Datto protects your business and keeps you in control and ownership remains unchallenged in cases or user error, compliance issues, user management, and malicious attacks.
Did you or your employees get all the answers correct?
That’s awesome! You and your employees are a valuable asset to any company! Throw them a pizza party!
If your business needs help with data backup and business continuity, contact Hyphenet today! We’re a managed IT service provider in San Diego, California. We’re also a certified Datto partner in San Diego, CA. Give us a call today! (619) 325-0990
Thank you for taking our information security awareness assessment questionnaire.
Please share this quiz and help spread awareness. Actually, let’s make this post go viral! Tweet, Pin, and share on Reddit and Facebook today!
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